2022 Winners, Film Selections, and Judges
DFW 2022 Selections
Sphere of Light Award
Lands of the Americas
Juror's Choice Award
Best Children's Film
3-2-1 Liftoff!
Best Musical Feature Film
Bébé Symphonique
Best Narrative Film
Grandmas house
Best Artistic Feature Film
Last Whispers
Best Artistic Short Film
Lockdown Dreamscape 360°
Best Educational Film
Star Dreaming
Best Musical Short Film
Best Environmental Film
We Are Guardians
Best Science Film
Worlds of Ice
Best Live Experience
Magical Mystery Dome:
Tribute To The Beatles
Honorable Mention
Sounds of the Ocean
Audience Choice
Lifetime Achievement Award
Mark and Carolyn Petersen
All 2022 Official Selections
2022 Festival Judges
Carolyn Collins Petersen
Carolyn Collins Petersen is CEO of Loch Ness Productions and a member of IMERSA's Board of Directors. She has written more than 65 fulldome shows, and is an accomplished science writer with seven books, and several major astronomy exhibitions in the U.S. and China to her name.
Carolyn partnered with composer Mark C. Petersen (of
GEODESIUM fame) to create their production company, which also offers distribution for fulldome titles as well as a streaming service. For IMERSA, she is instrumental in policy decisions and event planning, including this year's Summit in Montreal, as well as a series of virtual Summits held during the height of the pandemic.

Monica Bolles
Monica Bolles is a digital artist, audio engineer, and composer who brings together a curiosity of emerging technologies, science, and immersive design to create space for the exploration of human experience in an ever evolving and transforming world. She has been creating content for fulldome, immersive theaters, and spatial audio arrays since 2011 when she first gained access to her local planetarium. She is both a technician, an artist, and a commentator in her fields.
Monica is on the IMERSA advisory board, co-founder of The Dome Tour, and co-host of the Immersive Audio Podcast. She has produced and presented works that have been exhibited in the 140-channel speaker array at the Cube at Virginia Tech, the IMERSA Fulldome Summit, and the Conference of World Affairs, among others.
Brianna Amore
Brianna Amore is a 3D designer and animator who has worked with domes for over almost 20 years. Her first experiences came from running chill stages and organizing electronic music festivals in Western Canada where she discovered the power of the circular format in creating meaningful and engaging musical and healing experiences.
From then on she was hooked and in 2013 she moved to Los Angeles to create fulldome content with some of the top names in the entertainment and music industry. After making a name for herself by being one of the animators on Mesmerica, she went on to direct and animate The Journey which won the Audience Choice Award at DomeFestWest 2021.