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May 4, 2024 at 3:30 PM

FILMS: Visionaries of Tomorrow: Emerging Student Voices in Immersive Media

Experience the daring and innovative works of emerging student filmmakers in 'Visionaries of Tomorrow', a captivating showcase of immersive storytelling and visual art at the 2024 Dome Fest West Film Festival.

FILMS: Visionaries of Tomorrow: Emerging Student Voices in Immersive Media

"Visionaries of Tomorrow" celebrates the daring and innovative works of student filmmakers, advancing the realm of immersive storytelling. The projects range from the visually captivating CU Student Showcase to the culturally profound "Roundtrip Animation". This screening block vibrantly displays the fresh, dynamic energy that propels the evolution of immersive cinema. It features student films that challenge the limits of immersive storytelling and visual art. This event targets young adults, students, and supporters of emerging immersive filmmakers.

The full film list, in order of appearance, is as follows:

Beyond the Horizon: CU Student Showcase - Presented by Pat Clark and Naharin Shech
A mesmerizing compilation of student full dome timelapse and photography works that push the boundaries of immersive storytelling and visual art, taking viewers on a captivating journey beyond the horizon.

Roundtrip Animation - Directed by Christine Veras and Guido Devadder
"Roundtrip Animation" is a mesmerizing exploration of cultural differences and the interplay between old and new media, as students from Dallas and Brussels collaborate to bring a rotating circle of images to life using the phenakistiscope.

Phantom Eye - Directed by Carlos Hurtado Múnera
"Phantom Eye" explores the haunting journey of Colombians plagued by phantom pain and hallucinations after losing their eyes during protests against an unjust government.

Awedyssey - Directed by Bernhard E Riecke
Awedyssey is a mesmerizing VR journey that takes viewers from Earth to Mars, capturing the awe-inspiring beauty of the night sky and the scale of our universe.

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