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Eros is a visually stunning animated short that explores friendship and loss through a deep space miner's perilous pilgrimage to honor a fallen comrade.

Produced by

Daniel Talek Hambly

Directed by

Daniel Talek Hambly

Project Description

Eros is a story about friendship and loss, explored through one man's journey of catharsis. We follow the protagonist, a helmet clad deep space miner, in a perilous pilgrimage to honour the passing of a fallen comrade. Aeon's may pass, but a friendship is eternal.

About the Director

Daniel Talek Hambly is a filmmaker and CG artist at NSC Creative, with a background in architecture. His passion for immersive storytelling and architectural aesthetics shines through in his work, pushing the boundaries of the sci-fi genre. With a focus on lighting, composition, and scale, Daniel creates visually stunning films that captivate audiences on both a visual and narrative level.

His project, "Eros," explores themes of friendship and loss through the journey of a deep space miner. 

Screening Details

Project Runtime


Programming Block

Visionary Realms: A Journey Through Artistic Innovation

Screening Day & Time

May 03, 7:30 PM

Project Gallery

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