SALZ is an immersive film that explores the unraveling of social conventions during a dinner party, revealing the raw emotions and conflicts of the guests as they engage in an irrational war over food.
Produced by
Theresa Neumann & Anna Lucia Kampmann
Directed by
Theresa Neumann & Anna Lucia Kampmann
SALZ acts as the means to open a table situation, characterized by social conventions. An at first harmonious dinner begins to slip away from convention and is soon following its own rules. Disregarding all conventions, the situations turns away from cultural norms and gives place to uncontrollable greed. The food becomes an expression of feelings. An ir-rational war of the consumers breaks loose, revealing the weaknesses, uncertainties and abilities of every individual.
Power in Numbers
Film Duration
Film Screening Day
10:30a PDT / 1:30p EDT / 2:30p ART / 6:30p BST / 7:30p CEST
Official Watch Party Time on Screening Day